Early Life
Nicholas George Wertheim, known as Nicky, was born on 19th May 1909 in Hampstead, London.
Nicky’s legacy is primarily the more than 6000 people now alive because of the Kindertransport rescue. However his history demonstrates his conviction that living a good life involves more than just doing no harm. He believed strongly that a meaningful and ethical life involved reaching out to help others in need, whether in the local community or further afield. He felt that learning about history was only worthwhile if it led to positive action today and his legacy includes inspiring others to give their time to those in need.
For those of you who are moved by his story, taking positive action to help others would be the finest way to honour him.
Encouraging the public to help save child refugees in 1939 in a letter to a newspaper, Nicky stated the following: “… there is a difference between passive goodness and active goodness which is, in my opinion, the giving of one’s time and energy in the alleviation of pain and suffering. It entails going out, finding and helping those in suffering and danger and not merely leading an exemplary life in the purely passive way of doing no wrong. “
Letter from Nicky to newspaper dated 4th May 1939, imploring the public for help to save child refugees from Czechoslovakia.
Nicky at home circa 2011
(Courtesy Dora Martinkova)
Nicky speaking at Sevenoaks school in 2010.
Family photo taken at Nicky & Grete’s Golden wedding party, October 1998.
l-r top: Nick Jnr, Barbara, Stephen (son-in-law), seated: Laurence (grandson), Grete, Nicky, Holly (grand-daughter)
I hope you have found this journey through my father’s history interesting and enlightening. It is intended to showcase his archive held in the Sir Nicholas Winton Memorial Trust but particularly to honour his wish that his story should be a vehicle to remind you that it is possible to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to encourage you to take action where you see injustice or need. Nicky believed that learning from history must be about improving the world. All of us at the Trust hope you feel inspired by his story to undertake your own endeavours, whether at home or further afield.
We know Nicky would cheer you on.
Best wishes, Barbara Winton
Nicholas George Wertheim, known as Nicky, was born on 19th May 1909 in Hampstead, London.
The word ‘Kindertransport’ is used to describe the large scale transportation by train of ten thousand endangered, mostly Jewish, children from Austria...
Nicky left the Stock exchange in August 1939, to volunteer as leader of his local Air Raid Precautions depot being set up by Hampstead council.
It was while working for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Paris that Nicky encountered his future wife, Grete Gjelstrup, the Danish secretary of his employer.
In 1987 Nicky was introduced to Dr Elizabeth Maxwell while trying to find a suitable home for his Kindertransport papers enclosed in a scrapbook.
Nicky’s legacy is primarily that more than 6000 people are now alive because of the Kindertransport rescue.